• New Saccharimeters Offer Viable Measurement in the Sugar Industry

Laboratory Products

New Saccharimeters Offer Viable Measurement in the Sugar Industry

Aug 21 2018

Xylem’s Bellingham + Stanley brand has launched the ADS400 Series saccharimeters for use in sugar industry Tare Houses, factories and refineries. The series comprises two models for measurement at either sodium or NIR wavelength with a further choice between standard glass tube and funnel flow-through packages.

Capable of measuring up to 3.0 OD at 589nm over a maximum tube length of 200mm, the new ADS400 Series saccharimeters sodium wavelength packages offer an improved precision compared to their predecessors. With an accuracy of ±0.03 °Z, ADS400 Series saccharimeters meet the minimum performance requirements stipulated by ICUMSA. For dark solutions, including raw sugar prepared without the use of lead acetate, one of the ADS400 Series NIR packages may be chosen.

Sample measurement time is critical at the Tare House, where queuing tractors could add up to a spoilt product. Automatic temperature compensation in accordance with ICUMSA facilitates rapid throughput, especially when used in conjunction with a funnel flow tube. ADS400 Series flow packages are perfect for such applications, especially when combined with the continually reading optical system that updates the instrument display almost instantly. Tropical Scale temperature compensation to 27.5 °C is also selectable. For tighter control in the laboratory, ADS400 Series instruments fitted with XPC Technology offer enhanced sample temperature stability by way of an internal Peltier control system.

Key to the new ADS400 saccharimeter series is the multitude of on-board features that sets it apart from others operating in this sector.

Importantly for the sugar industry, all ADS400 Series saccharimeters have editable purity calculations on-board and may be configured to receive Brix/sucrose SG results directly from a digital refractometer using either Ethernet or USB connection. No PC required. Alternatively, a Brix result may be input manually via the instrument’s keypad, forming a cost effective, standalone hub for calculating and recording purity.

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