Fisher Scientific (Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Company Profile for Fisher Scientific (Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific)
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Other Products from Fisher Scientific (Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- Absorbents
- Acetone
- Acids (High Purity)
- Acids & Bases (Inorganic)
- Acids & Bases (Organic)
- Amino Acids
- Ammonia
- Anaerobic Jars
- Analysers (Ammonia)
- Analysers (BOD)
- Analysers (Carbon Dioxide)
- Analysers (Chloride)
- Analysers (Chlorine)
- Analysers (COD)
- Analysers (Dissolved Oxygen)
- Analysers (Fluoride)
- Analysers (Gas)
- Analysers (Moisture)
- Analysers (Nitrate)
- Analysers (Nitrite)
- Analysers (Particle Size)
- Analysers (pH)
- Analysers (Phenol)
- Analysers (Phosphate)
- Analysers (Water)
- Analysis (Milk)
- Antibodies
- Arsenic Testing
- Aspirators
- Autoclave (Accessories)
- Autoclave (Deodorisers)
- Autosampler (Consumables)
- Autosamplers
- Bacteriological (Testing)
- Bags (Biohazard)
- Balance / Weighing Tables
- Balances (Analytical)
- Balances (Animal)
- Balances (Electronic)
- Balances (Laboratory)
- Balances (Micro)
- Balances (Top - Pan)
- Bar Code (Scanners)
- Barometers
- Baths
- Baths (Oil)
- Baths (Ultrasonic)
- Baths (Water)
- Beakers
- Benches (Clean)
- Biochemicals
- Bioluminescence Equipment
- Biosensors (Cell)
- Blenders
- Block Heaters
- Bottles
- Bottles & Containers
- Buffers
- Burettes
- Burners
- Cabinets (Biological Safety)
- Cabinets (Humidity)
- Cabinets (Safety)
- Calibration (Organic Standards)
- Calibration Standards
- Calorimeters
- Cameras
- Cameras (Digital)
- Capillary (Columns)
- Cell (Counters / Analysers)
- Cell (Harvesting)
- Cell Culture
- Cell Culture Equipment
- Cells (Flow Through)
- Cells (Spectrophotometers)
- Centrifuge (Tubes)
- Centrifuges
- Centrifuges (Benchtop)
- Centrifuges (Refrigerated)
- Centrifuges (Vacuum)
- Certified Reference Materials
- Certified Reference Materials (Environmental Analysis)
- Certified Reference Materials (Heavy Metal Analysis)
- Chambers (Anaerobic)
- Chambers (Counting)
- Chambers (Environmental)
- Chambers (Humidity)
- Chambers (Plant Growth)
- Chambers (Stability)
- Charts (Recording)
- Chemicals (Laboratory)
- Chemiluminescence (Documentation Systems)
- Chiller (Recirculating)
- Chillers
- Chromatographs (Gas)
- Chromatographs (Liquid)
- Chromatography (Absorbents)
- Chromatography (Column)
- Chromatography (Consumables)
- Chromatography (Data Systems)
- Chromatography (Detectors - HPLC)
- Chromatography (Fittings)
- Chromatography (Gas)
- Chromatography (Ion)
- Chromatography (Liquid)
- Chromatography (Paper)
- Chromatography (Preparative)
- Chromatography (Sample Preparation)
- Chromatography (Supplies)
- Chromatography (Thin Layer)
- Chromatography (Workstations)
- Chromatography Accessories - HPLC (Injectors)
- Chromatography Accessories - HPLC (Liquid)
- Chromatography Accessories - HPLC (Packing Materials)
- Chromatography Accessories - HPLC (Pumps)
- Chromatography Accessories - HPLC (Solvent Management)
- Circulators
- Clamps
- Cleaners
- Cleaners (Ultrasonic)
- Cleaning (Equipment)
- Cleaning Compounds
- Clinical (Waste Disposal)
- Clothing (Disposable)
- Clothing (Laboratory)
- Clothing (Protective)
- Colony Counters
- Colorimeters
- Columns (Capillary)
- Columns (Gas Chromatography)
- Columns (Packed)
- Columns (Packing Materials)
- Compressors
- Connectors & Couplings
- Consistometers
- Containers (Storage)
- Coulometers
- Counters (Digital)
- Crimp Caps
- Crimpers / Decappers
- Crucibles
- Crushers (Grinders & Mills)
- Cryostats
- Crystals (Liquid)
- Culture (Media) Laboratory
- Deep Well (Plates)
- Degreasants
- Deionisers
- Dessicants
- Dessicators
- Detectors (Gas Leak)
- Detectors (Leak)
- Detectors (Microplate)
- Detectors (Scintillation)
- Detergents
- Determinators (Moisture)
- Dewars
- Dialysis (Membranes)
- Diffraction Gratings
- Digestion Apparatus
- Digital (Dry Baths)
- Diluters
- Diluters / Dispensers
- Disinfectants
- Distillation Equipment
- DNA (Photometers)
- DNA (Sequencers)
- Dry Ice (Makers)
- Dryers
- Electrochemical Instrumentation
- Electrodes (Oxygen)
- Electrodes (PH)
- Electrodes (Specific Ion)
- Electrophoresis (Equipment)
- Electrophoresis (Reagents)
- Electrophoresis (Supplies)
- Elisa Readers
- Elisa Washers
- Enzymes
- Evaporators
- Extraction Apparatus
- Eye Wash Equipment
- Fatty Acids
- Fermentation (Equipment)
- Field Sampling Kits
- Filling & Dispensing Equipment
- Filter (Funnels)
- Filters (General)
- Filters (HPLC)
- Filters (Membrane)
- Filters (Optical)
- Filters (Syringe)
- Filters (Ultrafiltration)
- Fine Chemicals
- Flowmeters
- Flowmeters (Gas)
- Flowmeters (Liquid)
- Fluorescent Instruments
- Forceps
- Fraction Collectors (Liquid)
- Freezedryers
- Freezers
- Freezers (Ultra Low Temperature)
- Fume (Cabinets)
- Furnaces (Crucible)
- Furnaces (General Purpose)
- Furnaces (Muffle)
- Furniture
- Gas Detection
- Gauges (Pressure)
- Gauges (Temperature) (General)
- GC Septa
- Gel Analysis Software
- Generators (Gas)
- Generators (General)
- Generators (Hydrogen)
- Generators (Nitrogen)
- Glass Reaction Vessels
- Glassware (Custom)
- Glassware (Disposable)
- Glove Boxes
- Gloves Latex & Disposable
- Graphite
- Grinding Media
- Heaters & Heating Elements
- Heating Mantles
- Histology
- Histology (Equipment)
- Homogenisers
- Hot Plates
- HPLC (Accessories)
- HPLC (Column Thermostats)
- HPLC (Columns - Chiral)
- HPLC (Columns)
- HPLC (Detectors UV - VIS)
- HPLC (Detectors)
- HPLC (Flowmeters)
- HPLC (Injectors)
- HPLC (On-line Degassers)
- HPLC (Packing Materials)
- HPLC (Pumps)
- HPLC (Solvent Handling Systems)
- HPLC (Solvents)
- Hydrofluoric Acid
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Hydrometers
- Hydrometers (Petroleum)
- Hygrometers
- Ice Machines
- Image Analysis
- Imaging (Digital)
- Immersion (Probes)
- Immersion (Thermostats)
- Immunology Supplies
- Incubators
- Incubators (CO2)
- Incubators (Hybridization)
- Incubators (Laboratory)
- Incubators (Shaking)
- Indicators (Test Papers)
- Infrared (Accessories)
- Instrument (Cases)
- Interferometers
- Ion (Exchange Materials)
- Ion (Exchange Resins)
- Ion (Selective Measurements)
- Jacks (Laboratory)
- Jars
- Kjeldahl Apparatus
- Labelled Organic Compounds
- Labelling (Accessories)
- Labels
- Laboratory Consumables
- Laboratory Disposables
- Laboratory Equipment
- Laboratory Metalware
- Laboratory Notebooks
- Laboratory Testing Equipment
- Laboratory Water Systems
- Laboratory Workstations
- Laminar (Flow Equipment)
- Lamps (Hollow Cathode)
- Lamps (Infrared)
- Lamps (Mercury)
- Lamps (Tungsten)
- Lamps (Ultraviolet)
- Lamps (Xenon)
- Lamps & Light Sources (Deuterium)
- Liners (Silicone)
- Liquid Handling
- Luminometers
- Magnesium Powder
- Media Preparation Equipment
- Melting Point Apparatus
- Metals (High Purity)
- Metals (Powdered)
- Metals (Precious)
- Metals (Single Crystals)
- Metals (Wire)
- Meters (Conductivity)
- Meters (Density)
- Meters (Dissolved Oxygen)
- Meters (Humidity)
- Meters (Oxygen)
- Meters (pH)
- Meters (TDS)
- Microanalytical Consumables
- Microbiological (Testing)
- Microinjection Systems
- Microplate (Shakers)
- Microplates
- Microscope Accessories
- Microscopes (Optical)
- Mills & Grinders
- Mixers
- Molecular (Sieves)
- Monitoring (Waste Water)
- Monitors (Carbon Dioxide)
- Monitors (Electrochemical)
- Monitors (Gas)
- Monitors (Leak)
- Monitors (Oxygen)
- Monitors (Particle)
- Monitors (Temperature)
- Monitors (Water Quality)
- Mortars & Pestles
- Nitric Acid
- NMR (Sample Tubes)
- Nucleic Acid Purification Kits
- Optical Instruments
- Osmometers
- Ovens (General Purpose)
- Particle (Counters)
- Particle (Size Equipment)
- PCR (Buffer)
- Penetrometer
- Peptides
- Petri Dishes
- pH Buffers
- pH Electrodes
- pH Meters (Battery Operated)
- Photometers
- Pipette (Controllers)
- Pipettes
- Pipettes (Automatic)
- Pipettes (Calibrated)
- Pipettes (Digital)
- Pipettes (Disposable)
- Pipettes (General Purpose)
- Pipettes (Tips)
- Plastic Ware
- Plastics
- Polarimeters
- Polarimeters (Automatic)
- Polymer Calibration Standards
- Polymers
- Power Supplies
- Prepared Media
- Presses (Laboratory)
- Pressure Controllers
- Probes (Temperature)
- PTFE (Ware)
- Pumps (Chemical Resistant)
- Pumps (Diaphragm)
- Pumps (High Pressure)
- Pumps (Liquid)
- Pumps (Peristaltic)
- Pumps (Piston)
- Pumps (Vacuum)
- Pyridine Derivatives
- Racks
- Radio (Isotopes) Chemical
- Rare Earth (Compounds)
- Reaction Apparatus
- Reagents (Analytical)
- Reagents (Basic Research)
- Reagents (Cell Biology)
- Reagents (Cell Signalling)
- Reagents (Chemiluminescence)
- Reagents (Immunoassay)
- Reagents (Microbiological)
- Reagents (Molecular Biology)
- Reference Materials
- Refractometers
- Refrigerators (Clinical)
- Regulators (Pressure)
- Resins
- Robotic (Consumables)
- Sample Dividers
- Sample Preparation Products
- Sampling Equipment
- Scanners
- Sensors (UV)
- Septa & Seals
- Shakers
- Sieve (Shakers)
- Sieves
- Silica Gel
- Size Exclusion (Purification Products)
- Soil Testing Kits
- Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
- Solvent (Evaporators)
- Solvent (Recovery Systems)
- Solvents
- Solvents (HPLC)
- Soxhlet
- Spectrometer (Accessories)
- Spectrometers
- Spectrometers (Fourier Transform Infrared - FTIR)
- Spectrophotometers
- Spectrophotometers (Accessories)
- Spectrophotometers (UV - VIS)
- Spectrophotometers (Visible)
- Stable Isotopes
- Standards (Alcohol Analysis)
- Standards (Analytical Reference)
- Standards (Analytical)
- Standards (Atomic Absorption)
- Standards (Chemical & Environmental)
- Standards (Chemical)
- Standards (Chromatography)
- Standards (Conductivity)
- Standards (EPA Methods)
- Standards (Fine Particles)
- Standards (For Testing PAH)
- Standards (Gas)
- Standards (Hazardous Waste)
- Standards (ICP)
- Standards (Ion Chromatography)
- Standards (Ion Selective)
- Standards (Mass Spectroscopy)
- Standards (Mass)
- Standards (Melting Point)
- Standards (Metals in Oil)
- Standards (Microanalysis)
- Standards (Organic)
- Standards (Pesticides)
- Standards (Petrochemical)
- Standards (PH)
- Standards (Quality Control)
- Standards (Spectrochemical)
- Standards (Sulphur)
- Standards (Viscosity Oil)
- Standards (Water Analysis)
- Stirrers
- Stirrers (Magnetic)
- Stopcocks
- Stoppers
- Storage Systems
- Surfactants
- Syringe (Needles)
- Syringe (Pumps)
- Syringes
- Tanks
- Temperature (Controllers) Laboratory
- Temperature Probes
- Temperature Sensors
- Tensiometers
- Test Kits (Environmental)
- Test Kits (Water)
- Test Tubes
- Thermometers
- Thermometers (Hg Free)
- Thermomixer
- Thermostats
- Tissue Culture Products
- Titration (Volumetric)
- Titration Apparatus
- Titrators (Automatic)
- Titrators (Karl Fischer)
- Traps (Cold)
- Tube - (Fittings)
- Tubes
- Tubes (Capillary)
- Tubes (Glass)
- Tubing (Capillary)
- Tubing (Plastic)
- Turbidimeters
- Vacuum Systems
- Vials
- Vials (Chromatography)
- Vials (EPA)
- Vials (Headspace)
- Vials (Micro)
- Vials (PP / TPX)
- Viscometers
- Viscosity
- Volumetric (Flasks)
- Volumetric (Glass)
- Vortexers
- Water (Stills)
- Water Baths (Shaking)
- Water Purification Equipment
- Waxes
- Weighing Equipment
- Workstations (Ventilated)
Digital Edition
International Labmate 49.6 - Sept 2024
September 2024
Chromatography Articles - HPLC gradient validation using non-invasive flowmeters Mass Spectrometry & Spectroscopy Articles - From R&D to QC, making NMR accessible for everyone: Putting NMR...
View all digital editions
Sep 18 2024 Lausanne, Switzerland
Sep 19 2024 Shanghai, China
Sep 22 2024 Messina, Italy
19th Confocal Raman Imaging Symposium
Sep 23 2024 Ulm, Germany
Sep 24 2024 Kielce, Poland