• How ionbench can help you to improve your LC/MS performance?


How ionbench can help you to improve your LC/MS performance?

LC / MS performance:

It makes sense for a mass spec user to minimise the void volume between the column and the MS Source. This dead volume can be the cause of the chromatography peak tailing.

See the Spectrogram below:

  • The spectrogram A has an optimised void volume (10μ)
  • The spectrogram B is a standard configuration, void volume of 50μL

Analysis of two couples of isobaric (250 and 264 m/z) substrate and metabolites performed on the Agilent 1290 Infinity UHPLC / Agilent 6460).

Mobile phase: ammoniumformate 20mM pH 9 buffer and acetonitrile.

Elution mode: 15%-35% of organic modifier in 3 min at 600_L/min.

Injection volume: 2μL. Using the same gradient conditions, the separation was carried out using a Waters Acquity BEH Shield 1.7

  1. A. Dead volume of 50μL
  2. B. Dead volume of optimised to 10μL

Source: Dany Spaggiari, Szabolcs Fekete, Philippe J. Eugster, Jean-Luc Veuthey, Laurent Geiser, Serge Rudaz, Davy Guillarme, Journal of Chromatography A, 1310 (2013) 45-55

With ionBench LC, you can optimize the global performance of your LC/MS combination by adjusting the height and see real benefits of the system mobility by placing the column as close as possible to the mass spectrometer source.

Classic configuration:

Optimised configuration with ionBench LC:

2) Save time

Do you need to run the same sample on a Triple Quad and on a TOF or Orbitrap? For example, in order to get more qualitative results. Currently, after injection on the triple quad, you would need to restart full method on the other LC/MS system [i.e. change the solvent, the column, wait for the system to be conditioned ...] It is, therefore, likely that it will take you one to two hours to perform this.

If you need to inject again the same sample, move on the LC and inject again in 10 minutes. Optimise the dead volume by adjusting the height.

With ionBench LC on your MS, if you need to re-inject on another MS technology, just move the LC to the other MS and restart the run in 10 minutes! If you want the system still running during the switch, just use a small UPS.

3) ionBench LC: contributes to lab safety & productivity

Most operators currently use a step stool to reach the top of the HPLC/UHPLC system. This means that they must obtain the step stool from, climb up and down to maintain solvents, stand on the small step stool surface area while they are servicing the instrument, and partially block the floor space around the system while they are performing this routine operation. This activity represents multiple opportunities for an accident and takes time.

With ionBench LC, the operator simply flips a switch to lower the system to a safe and manageable height, performs the solvent task, and raises the platform back up to the required operating height.

4) Transportable LC:

Another advantage of ionBench LC is its transportable feature. You may have basic HPLC, UHPLC, μLC and nano LC in your lab, as well as triple quad, Orbitrap, Q Tof with different sensitivity and accuracy.

Move your LC'S

Benefit the flexibility of multiple configuration easily

Change your configurations the way you want and get the benefit of multiple configuration, easily !

Feel free to contact us.

See the full article with pictures here.

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