• NEW ACE C18-AR - a unique C18 bonded HPLC column offering alternate selectivity to existing C18 bonded phases


NEW ACE C18-AR - a unique C18 bonded HPLC column offering alternate selectivity to existing C18 bonded phases

May 04 2009

ACE C18-AR is a unique C18 bonded HPLC column from Advanced Chromatography Technologies, which has been developed to provide alternate selectivity to all existing C18 bonded phases.

The phase combines the hydrophobic characteristics of a C18 phase with the enhanced aromatic selectivity of a phenyl phase, enabling the benefits of both interactions to be fully exploited. The phase also exhibits ultra low bleed to ensure LC/MS compatibility and demonstrates excellent temperature and pH stability. Additionally the ACE C18-AR is suitable for use in highly aqueous (up to 100%) mobile phases to enable the retention and separation of polar compounds.

At launch, materials are available in 3um, 5um and 10um particle sizes and a full range of column dimensions from high throughput through to preparative scale. For further information and a Technical Brochure on the ACE C18-AR email: info@ace-hplc.com