Temperature control and sterilising
Powerful Ultra-low Refrigerated Circulators
The Julabo HighTech series offers refrigerated circulators with innovative state-of-the art technology for more complex demands. The models HL/SL include a self-optimising ICC (Intelligent Cascade Control) temperature control with temperature stability up to ±0.01 °C. All models enable direct temperature measurement and control of the external system via an Pt100 sensor connection. The newly developed early warning system for low liquid level (DBGM: 203 06 059.8) gives a warning, before a safety cut-off comes into effect. The circulators provide a powerful circulation pump system with electronically adjustable pump capacity (1.1 bar / 22-26 l/min). The circulator series offers cooling capacities up to 5.5 kW for working temperature ranges to -95 °C. For attainment of further capacity, a HST Booster Heater (6 kW) and a HSP Booster Pump (3.0 bar) are available as options. An integrated programmer, with 6 x 60 program steps and a real-time clock, enables time-controlled temperature processes. Further features are 3-point calibration, large VFD-Display, Stakei connectors for solenoid valve and RS232/RS485 interface - analog interfaces (scalable) are available as option. To prevent ice formation in the bath, the instruments are equipped with a heated bath cover plate and insulated filling port.